Media ratings

Ratings are from to ♥♥♥♥♥.
There are currently 1321 for films and 126 for TV Series.
The most recent are listed first.

Want to watch can be seen here for films and here for TV Series.

Doug Stanhope: Before Turning the Gun on Himself (2012)


Tags: Stand Up Comedy
All movies or TV series' by Pierre Lamoureux

Doug Stanhope: Popov Vodka Presents (2017)


Tags: Stand Up Comedy
All movies or TV series' by Brian Hennigan

Doug Stanhope: Word of Mouth (2002)


Rather sexist, sadly, objectifying both women in the crowd and in general through his show - and abusing his platform at times. :/ Also probably the least interesting of his shows so far, besides the Popov Vodka one perhaps.

Tags: Stand Up Comedy
All movies or TV series' by Kevin Booth

Doug Stanhope: Oslo: Burning the Bridge to Nowhere (2011)


Addressing lookism, nice! Also having children being among the most significant impacts on the climate is addressed again. In the "union sex" bit it seems he forgets that shame (inherited fx. from patriarchal religions) is probably the cause of some of women being withheld sexually, ie. slutshaming.

Tags: Stand Up Comedy
All movies or TV series' by Bjørn Opsahl

Doug Stanhope: No Refunds (2007)


Tags: Stand Up Comedy
All movies or TV series' by Milton Lage

Dylan Moran - Like, Totally (2006)


Admittedly like him quite a lot more in Black Books.

Tags: Stand Up Comedy
All movies or TV series' by Michael Matheson

Dylan Moran - What it is (2009)


Admittedly like him quite a lot more in Black Books.

Tags: Stand Up Comedy
All movies or TV series' by Randall Churchill

Doug Stanhope: Deadbeat Hero (2004)


Tags: Stand Up Comedy
All movies or TV series' by Shawn Amos

Doug Stanhope: Beer Hall Putsch (2013)


Tags: Stand Up Comedy
All movies or TV series' by Jay Karas

Ant-Man (2015)


Tags: Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe
All movies or TV series' by Peyton Reed

Hannah Gadsby Nanette (2018)


Tags: Stand Up Comedy
All movies or TV series' by Jon Olb

Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)


Tags: Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe
All movies or TV series' by Joss Whedon

Spider-Man 2 (2004)


Not as good a love story as the first, but it's a more interesting villain though, compared to the green goblin when in costume.

hurts me to see him play around with mary jane's feelings again, being there for her and then not again. And again, she's damselled. :/

Tags: Marvel
All movies or TV series' by Sam Raimi

Spider-Man 3 (2007)


Mary Jane 4 lyfe (nothing against gwen/bryce though). not being there for her and appreciating her enough, peter. :'(
and wtf was that on the stage?! and don't assume so vehemently you know how someone else feels. and pushing her away when you should be deeply apologizing and listening. don't deserve her with that kind of treatment. damselled again, so fucking tiring, unoriginal and sexist

beautiful music again!

Spider-Man rankings:
1 > 2 > 3. 
2 and 3 were close, though, so not quite sure. i clearly also have a Mary Jane bias

Tags: Marvel
All movies or TV series' by Sam Raimi

Spider-Man (2002)


A 4 or a 5? Not sure, so optimistically went for 5. Even though Nickelback is part of the soundtrack! :'(

The score (Danny Elfman <3) and the love story are its greatest strengths to me! <3
The scenes with the goblin are kinda boring, though Willem Dafoe plays well! Sad to again again again see a woman damseled though. A tired trope.

Kirsten Dunst <3 They make a very cute couple!

With great power comes great responsibility <3 (also printed when sudoing!)

Homophobic jokes, Peter, not cool!

Norman sure knows a lot of scumbags, they keep him pushed into a corner. Still, he's willing to do dangerous experiments on humans so he's a scumbag himself.

Tags: Marvel
All movies or TV series' by Sam Raimi

Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)


Tags: Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe
All movies or TV series' by Joe Russo

Thor: The Dark World (2013)


Closer to 2 than 4.

I feel the burial scene is supposed to feel very emotional and like a big moment, but it's for a character that was barely fleshed out and had little screen presence, so at least to me it didn't have that effect.

Tags: Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe
All movies or TV series' by Alan Taylor

Iron Man 3 (2013)


Tags: Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe
All movies or TV series' by Shane Black

The Avengers (2012)


I liked Norton as The Hulk a lot more.

Tags: Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe
All movies or TV series' by Joss Whedon

Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)


A fair bit of sexism which is sad to watch, but I suppose that was the times. Still, the writing could've reacted against it rather than just showing it, now it seems it might even be trying to depict it as (positive) nostalgia.

I agree with Johann Schmidt and disagree with Captain America in seeing a future without flags (ie. without nationalism).

Tags: Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe
All movies or TV series' by Joe Johnston

The Incredible Hulk (2008)


Closer to 2 than 4.

Edward Norton and especially Liv Tyler <3
But otherwise a decent/mediocre action movie. The hulk is hardly a favourite of either superheroes/villains to me.

Tags: Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe
All movies or TV series' by Louis Leterrier

Iron Man 2 (2010)


Nice music!

Tags: Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe
All movies or TV series' by Jon Favreau

Thor (2011)


Closer to 3 than 5.

Tags: Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe
All movies or TV series' by Kenneth Branagh

Captain America: Civil War (2016)


Closer to 4 than 2.
Just now realised I too think Scarlett Johansson doesn't act that well, at least in this movie.

Tags: Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe
All movies or TV series' by Anthony Russo

Flammen & Citronen (2008)


All movies or TV series' by Ole Christian Madsen

The Interpreter (2005)


All movies or TV series' by Sydney Pollack

Wonder Woman (2017)


Closer to 4 than 2. Happy to see a super hero film with a woman front and center and women in prominent supporting roles as well! <3 Also like to see characters that are both very strong and at the same time human beings with feelings, and not either or.
I think it could be written better, however. Liked the start on the island but it declined after that, and got kinda over the top and unoriginal towards the end.
Beautiful end credits!

Tags: DC
All movies or TV series' by Patty Jenkins

Moneyball (2011)


Nice, touching film! I like a lot of sports films actually, even though I don't really follow sports and don't even know the rules of baseball in this case which is a bit confusing at times watching this.
I like the philosophy and the struggle especially the mental one.
In this movie I live the idea of new systems making old ones obsolete, which I think is true for ideas in general, and which I also hope happens in terms of making a better, more just world in the future.
Their system was an improvement - as specifically talked about - precisely because it looked at raw data without prejudice - looking past age, habits, peculiar ways of playing etc. Same could be the case with getting towards a more equal society where gender and race is not involved in deciding who gets the job, the ultimate result being that the people best suited for the jobs have them regardless and not excluded by discrimination.

Also I got the message that believing in someone can actually affects whether they will succeed or not, which I think is quite fascinating, and speaks to our nature as social beings, flowering with support and solidarity.

By the way - totally off on a tangent here - despite it being exactly basing the decision off gender, I think quotas for women - and other groups - when hiring might be a good idea, for at least two reasons: There's more than one qualified person for many of these jobs, including qualified women and secondly because I think it will basically hasten the path to equality where such tools are no longer necessary. I think it would force us towards more equality, and once the equality was there the bias to favour men would disappear, also because the ones making the decision wouldn't be mostly men.

All movies or TV series' by Bennett Miller

Terkel i knibe (2004)

English title: Terkel in Trouble


All movies or TV series' by Kresten Vestbjerg Andersen

Sneakers (1992)


All movies or TV series' by Phil Alden Robinson