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Moneyball (2011)


Nice, touching film! I like a lot of sports films actually, even though I don't really follow sports and don't even know the rules of baseball in this case which is a bit confusing at times watching this.
I like the philosophy and the struggle especially the mental one.
In this movie I live the idea of new systems making old ones obsolete, which I think is true for ideas in general, and which I also hope happens in terms of making a better, more just world in the future.
Their system was an improvement - as specifically talked about - precisely because it looked at raw data without prejudice - looking past age, habits, peculiar ways of playing etc. Same could be the case with getting towards a more equal society where gender and race is not involved in deciding who gets the job, the ultimate result being that the people best suited for the jobs have them regardless and not excluded by discrimination.

Also I got the message that believing in someone can actually affects whether they will succeed or not, which I think is quite fascinating, and speaks to our nature as social beings, flowering with support and solidarity.

By the way - totally off on a tangent here - despite it being exactly basing the decision off gender, I think quotas for women - and other groups - when hiring might be a good idea, for at least two reasons: There's more than one qualified person for many of these jobs, including qualified women and secondly because I think it will basically hasten the path to equality where such tools are no longer necessary. I think it would force us towards more equality, and once the equality was there the bias to favour men would disappear, also because the ones making the decision wouldn't be mostly men.