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Search results: 6

Bohemian Rhapsody (2018)


X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)


Quite good, might even be my favourite? Beats Days of Future Past at least, I think.

Tags: Marvel

X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)

English title: X-Men: The Days of Future Past


Good lessons on acceptance of oneself and hope for a better future. 
Close to 3/5.

Rankings so far:
First Class, X2, Days of Future Past, X-Men

Tags: Marvel

X2 (2003)

English title: X2 (X-Men 2)


Exciting! I like that it's characters aren't always so clearcut evil or good, but fallen heroes and the like.. Or I guess the good people are clearly good, but sometimes the villains do good, and in other cases they may not be, but you can understand why they act as they do.

Rankings so far:
First Class, X2, X-Men

Tags: Marvel

The Usual Suspects (1995)


Rewatched this in 2017 and it was better than I remembered. Annoying with the sexist and homophobic attitudes/lines though.

X-Men (2000)


Tags: Marvel