Film & TV Ratings: Search

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Search results: 6

Zodiac (2007)


Really good film!

The Game (1997)


Recall as very good.

Fight Club (1999)


Alien³ (1992)


First half deserved a 4, but it went downhill from there unfortunately. Still I'd probably rank them:
Alien >>> Alien 3 > Aliens

Beautiful cinematography and good setting design, decent music.

Setting: Trapped on a station with a whole lot of redshirts!

Dillon's a cool guy, besides Ripley of course.

Morale: If you have crucial information, share it <3 ;)

The Social Network (2010)


Sexist, selfish asshole as portrayed in the movie, Zuckerberg. Don't know how much is true. But he does seem to have some residual conscience in the background. Hot or not is a horrible concept, ethically.

Edit: From reading a bit about him later he may seem to've been portrayed a bit more like an asshole than he was in reality, but only a bit.

Se7en (1995)

English title: Seven (Se7en)
