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Search results: 2

Star Trek: First Contact (1996)

English title: Star Trek: First Contact (VIII)


Beautiful ship! Beautiful film - and a good soundtrack!

Strange turn of events where suddenly the borg are not in a state of chaos after individuality was introduced. It's almost as if that never happened.

If things haven't changed, Dr. Crusher is precisely the only person who can declare the captain unfit for command, and take command herself, but apparently she doesn't think he is, or has that been forgotten? Could've resolved things faster, and perhaps saved some lives.

Favourite ST film overall so far!

Star Trek: Insurrection (1998)

English title: Star Trek: Insurrection (IX)


Nice anti-imperialist and anti tyranny-of-the-majority message. This film again feels like a (good) two-part episode.
Anij is quite wonderful, but it also reminds me a bit of what Gates said in a panel, that it was (almost) always the men that had affairs, even though they were also somewhat involved with other crew members as well, so it reinforces and justifies a sort of stereotype of women being monogamous while men are just constantly out there looking for sex, almost bordering on infidelity.

A quote from the film:
"Captain, the [..] crew would like to negotiate a cease fire. It may have something to do with the fact that we have three minutes of air left."

TNG film rankings so far:
First Contact (VIII), Insurrection (IX), Generations (VII) - though IX and VII are quite close.