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Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986)


A very vegan movie, and I love the recognition of there not just being one sentient or intelligent species on earth. (About time!)

Three lovely quotes:
Spock: "Admiral, if we would assume that these are ours to do with as we please, we would be as guilty as those who cause their extinction."
Spock: "They like you very much, but they're not the hell your whales."
Gillian: "I don't know about you but my compassion for someone is not limited to my estimate of their intelligence"

I love that McCoy is so much a doctor that he doesn't pass on an opportunity to save lives, even though it interferes with history.

It's a bit Noah's ark (fantasy)-like to expect to repopulate a species with only two individuals, though. Suggested numbers to avoid inbreeding vary according to species, apparently, but are often in the thousands:
Still, that way it's more of a recognition of them as individuals rather than being nothing but a species, which is positive.

Btw. I get the impression here that Spock and Sarek's relationship is much better than the impression I got from TNG. I guess it soured later.

TOS Star Trek film rankings so far: I, IV, III, II. (Though IV and III are quite close)

Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984)


Feels quite campy, like an adventure film, but I like the klingon captain, and in this one it also seems less like Spock only cares about Jim which I think is rather strange considering all the time he's spent with all the others too. Unoriginal fate that David has, though. 
Almost deserves a 4, but not quite. It's surprising (perhaps even somewhat unbelievable?) that Vulcans retain such mysticism for being such an incredibly logical people.

Star Trek TOS Film rankings so far are probably: I, III, II.