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Search results: 4

Le Grand Bleu (1988)

English title: The Big Blue


Recall as pretty good, but also kinda scary.

Lucy (2014)


The Fifth Element (1997)


Léon: The Professional (1994)


I'd give it a 4 if it didn't creepily normalize paedophilia by pretending »actual« sexual attraction can happen from children towards adults, which is a wonderful excuse to hear for paedophiles.

If someone sees such behaviour from children, they should reject such type a relationship with them in a crystal clear fashion, over and over if needed to get the point across - and as a filmmaker, don't have a scene where they just happen to've slept in the same bed, deliberately playing with the uncertainty of what happened.
So IMO the filmmakers failed children by keeping it ambiguous.

Also don't even put child actors in such situations! She was around 12 at the time!

Luc Besson's apparently a creep generally speaking, which doesn't mean he can't simultaneously be a skilled director:

...and it seems France in general has issues with paedophilia, but unfortunately I can hardly say the laws in that regard are perfect in Denmark either - far from it: