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Glass (2019)


substantially better than Split IMO - it's been too long since I've seen Unbreakable so I can't say how it fares against that. Kinda surprised it's so disliked, not that it was perfect. Still closer to 3 than 5.

too much time spent on kevin's antics!
...also it makes little sense so many personalities try to escape when they know the damage "the horde" can do. unless of course the supposedly good guys are major scumbags as well, whose willingness to overlook damage to others means
they should be behind bars if no treatment is found.

that psychologist is quite the fuckface, and what a fucking creepy request to ask Casey to be around the horde more after that experience!!

...why was Patricia the hospital caretaker, seems mildly sexist to me.

Unbreakable (2000)


Closer to 3 than 5.

Split (2016)


Closer to 4 than 2.

The Sixth Sense (1999)
