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The Aviator (2004)


The Last Waltz (1978)


Tags: Documentary, Music

Taxi Driver (1976)


The Irishman (2019)



Rolling Thunder Revue: A Bob Dylan Story by Martin Scorsese (2019)


Unfortunately missed the first part, but it was quite captivating!

Tags: Bob Dylan, Documentary, Music

Hugo (2011)


Goodfellas (1990)


Shutter Island (2010)


Wicked soundtrack, filming and atmosphere. I'm really surprised that people seem to like this less than Scorsese's last film, "The Departed", when this film according to my evaluation is clearly superior.

Mean Streets (1973)


The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)


Reminds me a bit of Blow and Goodfellas. 
I'm not sure whether it's trying to glorify this unethical way of life or not, where women are mostly commodities, there's no ethics - at least to the general public and being rich and irresponsible is "cool".

It's mostly a fairly entertaining watch though.

The King of Comedy (1982)


Raging Bull (1980)


Most of my thoughts on this film were a reaction to the character Jake LaMotta, which didn't make the movie too enjoyable. he is a sexist, heterosexist, speciesist, creepy, macho, piece of shit, who's unfaithful to his wife, with a heterosexist friends and a piece of shit homophobic sexist brother too, that heterosexist wife of his deserves better

he said "come here before i give you a beating" to the girl he's seeing, wtf creep! borderline sexual assault with those threats and commands he's giving her. all about his desires, not really considering her an equal but almost like a thing

seriously he should be wiped off this planet, and probably his brother too. she's shouldn't be unfaithful either, but leave him instead. but maybe she doesn't due to fear?

that violent tyrant jake deserves no forgiveness.

Casino (1995)


The Departed (2006)


Somewhat confusing, decently interesting and with a good soundtrack.

Gangs of New York (2002)


Remember being pretty disappointed.

Cape Fear (1991)


No Direction Home: Bob Dylan (2005)


Remember as good?

Tags: Bob Dylan, Documentary, Music