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Search results: 8

Blade Runner (1982)


This movie didn't enthrall me the first time around, where I actually found it fairly "lame".
In a recent reviewing however, I found myself immersed in its alienation, constant mystery and eerie atmosphere, not least on part of the stunning photography, and soundtrack. The final scenes are worth emphasis.

The sexual assault scene is really horrible though. With the romantic music accompanying it it even seems to send the message that this is not problematic or even fine. What a disturbing message to send to the viewers!!

Prometheus (2012)


If you have what seems to be a sentient cyborg, don't treat him as a slave "just because".
It shows a lot about your character, and it's not positive.

Alien rankings, I think:
Alien > Prometheus >> Alien 3 > Resurrection > Aliens

A bit unsure if Aliens and Resurrection are equal.

Tags: Alien

American Gangster (2007)


Great soundtrack!

Kingdom of Heaven (2005)


Thelma & Louise (1991)


Alien (1979)


Intense, visually fascinating & stunning movie with a great feeling of isolation. Reminds me of 2001: A Space Odyssey

Legend (1985)


Gladiator (2000)
