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死亡遊戲 (1978)

English title: Game of Death


I've only seen this a single time, and at least there, it holds up nicely. Not because it's a "good movie", traditionally speaking, but because of unintentional hilarity, being the way they disguise that it isn't Bruce Lee acting, the general quality (or lack thereof) of realistic acting and the worst execution of a hostage situation I've ever seen. The criminals are obviously not too bright. Bruce Lee himself, as appearing towards the end, is of course great to see, though his moves seem a bit corny to me, like he's just knowingly referencing and rehashing his former glory. Typically Hollywood, I guess. Btw. it's ironic that Bruce Lee's son died (R.I.P.!) in the same way as Bruce Lee's character is attempted murdered, in the in-movie movie.

Enter the Dragon (1973)
