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American Beauty (1999)


Skyfall (2012)


I've actually seen a lot of James Bond movies but it was before I started rating them.
I seem to remember my favourite of the long-time Bonds was Roger Moore.
I'm inclined to rank them like this:
Roger Moore, Pierce Brosnan, Sean Connery, Daniel Craig.
I don't remember what I felt about the different short-term Bonds.
What annoys be about Sean Connery is not the acting but rather the type of Bond he plays.

Hoping for a more progressive Bond in the future. There can still be romance, even towards many people, as long as he doesn't treat them worthlessly or mislead them but is upfront about it. 
He can have an asshole side but not be like that towards an entire gender, but rather to those individuals who actually deserve it.
Furthermore there can be spy-movie antics, gadgets and the like which we all know from the series.

Tags: James Bond