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Search results: 4

Spider-Man (2002)


A 4 or a 5? Not sure, so optimistically went for 5. Even though Nickelback is part of the soundtrack! :'(

The score (Danny Elfman <3) and the love story are its greatest strengths to me! <3
The scenes with the goblin are kinda boring, though Willem Dafoe plays well! Sad to again again again see a woman damseled though. A tired trope.

Kirsten Dunst <3 They make a very cute couple!

With great power comes great responsibility <3 (also printed when sudoing!)

Homophobic jokes, Peter, not cool!

Norman sure knows a lot of scumbags, they keep him pushed into a corner. Still, he's willing to do dangerous experiments on humans so he's a scumbag himself.

Tags: Marvel

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)


Closer to 2 than 4.

Kinda seems like bad writing to me, but part of it might be from cut scenes.

Someone who can enslave the multiverse seems kinda big for doctor strange and the sorcerer supreme alone.
The avengers mostly deal with threats to the earth i think, so even too big for just them? Maybe ask Jean Gray instead?

The book being destroyed should set her free, then, if that was what was corrupting her. But that doesn't fit the plot, so it doesn't happen

The Sorcerer Supreme should let anyone die to protect the multiverse. also why is he so consistenly weak in this movie, in terms of the fights he's in? doing him dirty.

Great to see Charles Xavier again, and the x-men universe tied into this one.

How does strange know that that particular childhood memory was shared between those universes?
touching ending though

All that said, this video really points out a critical general weakness, likely intentional, of the MCU as a whole:

Tags: Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe

Spider-Man 2 (2004)


Not as good a love story as the first, but it's a more interesting villain though, compared to the green goblin when in costume.

hurts me to see him play around with mary jane's feelings again, being there for her and then not again. And again, she's damselled. :/

Tags: Marvel

Spider-Man 3 (2007)


Mary Jane 4 lyfe (nothing against gwen/bryce though). not being there for her and appreciating her enough, peter. :'(
and wtf was that on the stage?! and don't assume so vehemently you know how someone else feels. and pushing her away when you should be deeply apologizing and listening. don't deserve her with that kind of treatment. damselled again, so fucking tiring, unoriginal and sexist

beautiful music again!

Spider-Man rankings:
1 > 2 > 3. 
2 and 3 were close, though, so not quite sure. i clearly also have a Mary Jane bias

Tags: Marvel