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Le monde selon Amazon (2019)

English title: The World According to Amazon


I don't think having a job is essential to humans, and thus people getting out of jobs due to technologal progress or innovation in processes is a good thing, IN ITSELF. It frees up peoples time to leisure or do less tedious, monotonous work.

The problem is, that people currently still need a job to fulfill their needs and even basic needs such as housing, and that should be solved by reshaping society so people aren't forced to work to live, where motivation to do so  comes from community and solidarity instead.

Another problem is that people in the bottom work just as hard to earn money for a company, but it's the people at the top that reap the VAST majority of profits. I think, in general, that all work is equally valuable to the company, and either people should receive an unconditional universal basic income, or employees should be paid (at least more or less) the same based on amount of hours worked, regardless of position in the company. Of course if you do a job there's no one willing to buy from there's no income in that latter case. Also some are unable to work and should be cared for!

And tax evasion, corruption and bribery needs to be prevented with whatever is necessary to do so.
In a democracy each person should be worth the same, and ideally have similar power, I think. At the same time decisions need to be made on an informed basis, so it requires an educated population, and it may require some specialisation as well, that offsets this idea of equal power, since specialists opinion does matter more in some areas.

Tags: Documentary